Hi guys! I don't know if you can tell from the title, or the photo of me in a stupid hat - but I graduated this week! And I thought what better time for a life update post than this? I graduated from Manchester Met with a first class honours in English literature and I am so proud of myself!! I was also given the subject award for graduating at the top of my class. I'm just so overwhelmed and shocked by the whole thing. If you were to ask me 5 years ago if I would ever have thought that this was possible I'd have laughed in your face.
I finally know what it is I want to do with my life, I have a part time job and a place on a masters degree from a university that initially rejected me because my grades in sixth form were too low. That alone just shows how happy and content I am in my subject. It's this drive that is going to propel me forward in both my career and academically. If you were to ask me now what I want to be doing in five years time, I'll tell you that I want to be will be a lecturer of English literature, with a PhD and still blogging alongside this.
I originally planned for this post to be a post about my past and some of the stupid decisions I made, but I'm looking forward today. I cannot wait to see what academia and the blogging world have to offer me in future! I'm excited, and I'm ready.
Have you got a five year plan? Have you recently graduated? How did it go? Let me know in the comments!